SO: My first book Nobody Loves a Bigfoot Like a Bigfoot Babe was released through a small Indie Publisher in US.

LH: I self published all of my books and was then “discovered” by a publisher. SO: That old chestnut, Stephen King hooked me from the moment I read Salem’s Lot.

Who influenced you in your writing career? LH: I didn’t really have a literary influence, I just decided one day to start writing. SO: Taller, go figure, now I am Phantom Bigfoot. What did you want to be when you grew up? LH: I wanted to be a ballerina, race car driver and a private detective when I was little. Welcome SO….I, LH have some questions for you 😉 Title of the book you are promoting: Luna Sanguis Your Name or Pen Name you use: Simon Okill aka Phantom Bigfoot Welcome! Pull up a seat and enjoy a chat with Today’s Tease Simon Okill aka Phantom Bigfoot